Thursday, September 25, 2014


I haven't posted in a while and dressmaking progress has been slow, but with good reason, I think. Meet Jack (short for Jack with One Eye) the sewing room cat.

Jack is a stray we brought in off the street. He was in pretty rough shape when we first found him - he appeared to be missing an eye and was suffering from a bad respiratory infection, on top of the usual fleas, ear mites, and parasites that come with a street cat.  It is worth mentioning that he is also one of the sweetest cats I've ever met.

After a couple of trips to the vet we learned that Jack is FIV positive and that his eye was not, in fact, missing.  His third eyelid was so red and swollen from infection that it didn't look like a third eye lid at all!  We were sent home with a lot of medicine (resulting in not a few scratches).

Progress is slow, but steady.  Jack seems to be feeling better little by little.  Unfortunately, he has to be confined to one area because we cannot risk sharing his respiratory infection (or FIV) with my other beloved cat, Athena.  So it looks like I will be spending lots of time with him in my sewing room, which is a good place to be.  While I know our time together might be short, I want to make it the best I possibly can for him.

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