Wednesday, April 16, 2014

An Owl Interred

I found a dead owl in the street yesterday. While I hate to see any animal left to decay on the side of the road, I felt this magnificent little creature deserved a little more respect, so I took it upon myself to give it a proper burial. Of course this interment took place on property not in my possession, because I certainly do not wish to be slapped with a federal offense for treating the deceased with a little reverence. Rest in peace, little guy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon

I got up just before 3 a.m. last night to see the lunar eclipse. Even though I've seen eclipses before and know what to expect, my heart still skips a beat when I look up to the sky and the moon is red. So spooky and beautiful! I was too sleepy and lazy to set up a tripod as I should have (and I was also trying to be very quiet so as not to wake sleeping husband) so my pictures turned out a bit blurry. Next eclipse is October 8, hopefully the skies will be clear and I will set up my camera properly and get a much better shot.